fPHX Wagmi Treasury Fund

Diversified exposure to Solana in one token.


by fillmorephx

FillmorePHX is an afterhours event space and custom print shop in Phoenix Arizona. fPHX is a SPL token on Solana.  fPHX can be used for discounts on select events and printing services.

Liquidity backed

with LSTs, Stables, Utility, and Memes.
Liquidity Pools on:

Earn Rewards

by staking liquidity on Raydium.
Use fPHX as collateral in our save.finance lending pool.

M3M3 Staking Pool

     2% of the token supply is permanently locked in the M3M3 pool. 95% of the fees goes to stakers. With the goal of having 5% of the supply permanently locked. 

Liquidity Locked

in Streamflow contracts.


Yield from DeFi accounts in the fPHX Wagmi Treasury Fund are used for token buybacks.
10% profits from Drift lending and perp trading.
50% of profits from SolSurfer bot.
$10k USDC lending pool. 120 day loans at competitive rates.
100% of the rewards from Lifinity stake.
Assets held by
Next token buyback in..


Closet full.
Art Gallery